I'm Reydne Bruno

I'm 25 years old and I am Brazilian. I hold a degree in Information Technology from Centro Universitário São Miguel and during this course I gained experience in creating and implementing automated systems, mobile development with front-end technologies and project management with agile methodologies. My investigative personality and interests led me to direct my career towards software engineering research. With that, I obtained a Master's Degree in Computer Science at the Federal University of Pernambuco, where I dedicated myself to studying code comprehension and code readability. Now I am a PhD student in Computer Science at the same university.


Oliveira, D., Santos, R., Madeiral, F., Masuhara, H., & Castor, F. (2023). systematic literature review on the impact of formatting elements on code legibility. Journal of Systems and Software, 111728. (Link)

Oliveira, D., Bruno, R., Madeiral, F., & Castor, F. (2020, September). Evaluating code readability and legibility: An examination of human-centric studies. In 2020 IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME) (pp. 348-359). IEEE. (Link)

SANTOS, R. B. D. (2021). Um estudo sobre definição e avaliação da readability e legibility do código fonte (Master's thesis, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco). (Link)


Teacher's Assistant - Federal University of Pernambuco

Responsible for supporting the teacher of the Educational Software Engineering course. Helping with planning, teaching activities and interaction with students.

Teaching Internship - Federal University of Pernambuco

Intern student responsible for working effectively in the classroom in the various stages of the teaching-learning process. The activities to be performed were: I: planning of teaching interventions; II: the delivery of theoretical and practical classes, which include the use of innovative pedagogical methods and techniques; III: participation in partial evaluation of syllabus, theoretical and practical contents.

Project Manager - TODXS

Responsibilities: Define the delivery timeline, Ensure project deliveries, Inform relevant stakeholders about the project's progress and Direct and help the team with the tasks assigned to them.

Systems Analyst - Accenture

Responsibilities: Worked within agile and multidisciplinary teams, developed mobile solutions for iOS and Android platforms, worked on product evolution considering systems reuse and performance, built technical solutions for customer needs.

Web development - Safetec Informática

Assist in the development and implementation of automation systems and routines using the google platform.

Academic Service


- VIII Workshop on Software Visualization, Evolution and Maintenance (VEM 2020).

- Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering (SBES 2021).

- Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering (SBES 2022).

PC Member:

- 2nd Workshop on Automated Support to Improve code Readability.


